$TRUM Bridge-Farm
Earn Promising Rewards by Staking $TRUM (during pre-sale) and Earning $AFFI with an Incredible 401% APY. We refer to this as the TRUM BRIDGE-STAKING FEATURE.
Staking enables investors to earn passive income without actively trading or watching the market. You can passively accumulate $AFFI tokens by simply holding and staking $TRUM tokens.
Below are the Bridge-Farm Infomations
Bridge Token: $TRUM
Earning token: $AFFI Reward (APY): ~401% (annually)
Can compound rewards: Compounding is Automatically done as you purchase more $TRUM
Capital Lock: NO LOCK. Presale tokens can be claimed at the end of the presale
Claiming Lock: 10 minutes after each claim.
Acquire $TRUM tokens: Participate in the $TRUM presale. You can see the purchased amount of $TRUM tokens (after purchase) from your dashboard.
Go to the TRUM BRIDGE-FARM, the total purchased amount from presale will be highlighted. Connect your wallet and tap on the initialize bridge-farm Button,
Begin staking your $TRUM tokens, and you will earn $AFFI tokens as rewards. Per second according to our APY.
You can find accumulated rewards under the “Unharvested $AFFI Rewards” area. To Claim your rewards, just click the Claim button and the AFFI tokens will be sent to your wallet
Your presale TRUM tokens can be staked on this bridge-farm. You still own these tokens and can claim them after the presale.
After you start the bridge-farm, you don’t need to do anything. you just harvest your AFFI rewards continuously.
After commencing bridge-farming, buying more TRUM tokens will auto-compound to the farming capital, increasing your rewards.
After the presale is ended, claiming your $TRUM tokens to your wallet automatically terminates the bridge-farming. If you wish to continue staking $TRUM you will have to Re-Stake them from the newly created $TRUM staking page. This will be announced later towards the end of the presale.
The APY is currently fixed at ~401% during the presale, but may fluctuate after the presale and when launched to markets. This is due to more/less demand and $TRUM price fluctuations.
If you do not wish to stake anymore, click the “Terminate Bridge-Farming” button and this terminates bridge-farming on your dashboard. You will be able to claim your $TRUM tokens to your wallet after the Last Presale round is finalized
BRIDGEFARM PAGE: https://affitrum.ai/bridgefarm
Last updated