$Trum Tokenomics
Contract: 0x37A41688AeD27D303dfeE5CC89D4D25570756945
Decimal: 6
Total supply: 100,000,000 $TRUM
Presale: 72% (72,000,000 $TRUM)
Liquidity and CEX Listing: 20% (20,000,000 $TRUM)
Rewards to Holders: 8% (8,000,000 $TRUM)
TRUM Tokenomics Breakdown
72% of the total $TRUM supply will be sold as presale to potential investors who want to participate in the development of the Affitrum products (AFFI blockchain,DAO and Dex Exchange). See the presale tab for more information.
Liquidity and CEX listing
This 20% allocation will be used to add liquidity and solicit CEX listings following the presale.
Initial listing price after presale (TBA)
Staking and bridge Farm
8% of the total supply will be allocated to mining rewards. Following the presale. Through staking and mining, these tokens will be re-distributed to TRUM holders.
Future $TRUM distribution and usecase
The 9% buy-and-sell tax system uses are as following:
1% of every buy and sell is automatically burned (creating scarcity and demand)
1% of every buy and sell is sent to the buyer's or seller's referrer as a reward for referring. (see Referrals section for more info.)
2% of every buy and sell is added to the TRUM-ETH Liquidity pool.
5% is sent to the new TRUM staking pool. This is the pool that rewards TRUM staking (see the Staking section for more info).
The 9% buy and sell tax on the $TRUM token will take effect after the presale
Last updated